Friday, March 14, 2008

My fortune awaits!

After even more re-reading of quests on, I've found that Sayge, the Darkmoon Faire fortune teller, sometimes gives you a fortune that gives you 650 XP, and you can get a fortune every two hours as long as the Faire is running. Looks like there's about a 1 out of 9 chance to get a quest that results in XP, although wowwiki says you get 0 XP, so I'll have to see...

Assuming I get 650 XP every time I'm lucky enough to get an XP fortune (i.e. that the quest is repeatable XP), let's say I can check 6 times on weekdays and 10 times on weekends, that's 50 attempts, which would be about 5 or 6 x 650, or 3250-3900 XP, a bit less than a BG daily at level 39. Not great, but not bad.

Update: I don't seem to get a fortune scroll (just the buff) until I'm friendly with Darkmoon Faire (I think), and according to scaryleon in the comments, the XP fortunes aren't repeatable. so it may only be 4 x 650 XP max. I'll see what happens...

Update 2: It doesn't look like I can get friendly with the Darkmoon Faire until I hit 40 and I can do the highest-end turn-ins for reputation. I'm 350 short of being friendly and I can no longer turn in mechanical repair kits, and all the other quest givers have gray "!" now. I could get to friendly if I can buy and turn in a Darkmoon Deck...

PS: The Arena Master & Grandmaster trinkets from the STV arena are another possibility, but again, I don't know if the XP for the Master trinkets is repeatable...

PS 2: Ok, I got my first Arena Master trinket, and got XP for the quest, but I can't do the quest again. Still, the Arena Grandmaster trinket is well worth trying for. I only had a rogue 2 levels below me to fight for the chest. Plus, it looks like you have to wait far more than 2 hours to get another fortune told now, so the Faire won't be a source of major XP even if the fortune quests are repeatable.

Final PS: OK, even though I'm not yet friendly with the Darkmoon Faire, this time I got a fortune in addition to the buff, so either it's random or my reputation is now high enough to get it. Hopefully, I can get some XP this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I think that there are only 4 different quests that you can do, and you can only do each quest once. The rest of the time you get annoying fortunes (although the stat bonus can be useful).

I did one that involved going to a rock in Mulgore and another in the Deadmines.

Of course, they could have changed things so that they're repeatable, but it seems unlikely.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could help you more with this - but where I only reached 24, there obviously aren't a lot of quests that you haven't done that I have.

Regarding Gurubashi Arena, I gained most of mine at ridiculously early times in the morning - because I refused to hurt anyone I automatically failed if anyone else was around, even if they were lower level. 3 and 6 am were the "best" times (I often wake up at random points in the night; I didn't set my alarm or anything!).

I did like receiving the Arena Grand Master trinket though - when Short John Mithril was saying "much blood have you shed in the arena" it must have been through gritted teeth, given that the only blood I shed was mine...

Brian Westley said...

Yeah, I'll use blind and sap and goblin rocket helmet, but beyond that I can't do much. Still, I've managed to get 4 master trinkets towards the 12 I need for the grandmaster trinket, so it shouldn't take too long...

Anonymous said...

It took me ages.

Amusingly I just checked out the forums for Blackout and found that some of my old friends/enemies said that I was the best 20-29 twink druid (kind of) - if you're reading this Sorby, Azoras or Simster - my thanks and best wishes to you!