Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mainchenn hits level 45

Here are the quests Mainchenn did to get from level 40 to 45:

#Master of the Wild Leather
Demons Deck #1-#17
A Donation of Mageweave (Darnassus)
A Donation of Mageweave (Exodar)
A Donation of Mageweave (Ironforge)
A Donation of Mageweave (Gnomeregan)
A Donation of Mageweave (Stormwind)
Sweet Amber p1
Tabetha's Task
Stoley's Debt
Stoley's Shipment
Vital Supplies
Supplies for Nethergarde
Galen's Escape (41)
Stop the Fires! (4200 XP)
Smash the Pumpkin
Witherbark Cages
The Altar of Zul
#Tribal Leatherworking
The Missing Courier p1
The Ruins of Solarsal
The Missing Courier p2
Boat Wreckage
Return to Feathermoon Stronghold
Against the Hatecrest p1
The Knife Revealed
Psychometric Reading
The Woodpaw Gnolls
The Writhing Deep
Freed From the Hive
A Hero's Welcome
Thalanaar Delivery
Rise of the Silithid
(dropped leatherworking, took up mining)
Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog (42)
Deliver to MacKinley
Sweet Amber p2 & p3
Thadius Grimshade
Mages Deck #34 (490 XP)
Handle With Care
Featherbeard's Endorsement
In Pursuit of Featherbeard
Reclaiming the Eggs
Favored of Elune?
In Search of Knowledge
Feralas: A History
The Borrower
The Super Egg-O-Matic
An Ordinary Egg
The Super Snapper FX
The Brassbolts Brothers
Return to Troyas
The Stave of Equinex (43)
The Morrow Stone
Tooga's Quest
Stop the Fires! (5050 XP)
Smash the Pumpkin
(explored Badlands)
Divine Retribution
Prayer to Elune p1
Message in a Bottle
Stop the Fires!
Smash the Pumpkin
(explored Dustwallow Marsh)
Water Pouch Bounty
Smash the Pumpkin
Stop the Fires!
(explored Feralas)
Stop the Fires!
Smash the Pumpkin
Demons Deck #18-#21 (44)
Demons Deck #22-#23
The Giant Guardian
Wandering Shay
Let the Fires Come! (5300 XP)
Smash the Pumpkin
(dropped mining, took up *blacksmithing, got to 210)
*The Origins of Smithing
*In Search of Galvan
*The Mithril Order
*Smelt On, Smelt Off
*The Art of the Imbue
*The Great Silver Deceiver
*Expert Blacksmith
*Galvan's Finest Pupil
*The Mithril Kid
*The World at Your Feet
*A Good Head on your Shoulders
*Did You Lose This?
*The Way of the Weaponsmith (45)
(dropped blacksmithing, took up herbalism)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mystery kills

Both Acaaju and I have a recent mysterious kill of unknown origin in our stats...

First, we both have 1 kill stat with a known origin; mine is the ghost that spawns in Stormwind during the Stalvan quest chain, which a town guard killed but it gave me credit for a kill, and Acaaju tried to Hibernate a bear when a town guard killed it.

Acaaju's stats don't even make sense. They now read:

Total kills 2
Total kills that grant experience or honor 1
Creatures killed 1
Different creature types killed 1
Creature type killed the most Beasts (1)
Total Honorable Kills --
World Honorable Kills 1
Continent with the most Honorable Kills 1
Total Killing Blows 1
World Killing Blows 1
Continent with the most Killing Blows Eastern Kingdoms (1)

So she has 1 honor kill, but 0 total honor kills....??

My stats are somewhat different:

Total kills 2
Total kills that grant experience or honor --
Creatures killed 2
Different creature types killed 2
Creature type killed the most Humanoid (1)
Total Honorable Kills --
World Honorable Kills --
Continent with the most Honorable Kills --
Total Killing Blows 1
World Killing Blows 1
Continent with the most Killing Blows Eastern Kingdoms (1)

My stats at least are consistent.

I check my kill stat pretty often (and during escorts), so I know this is pretty recent. The only quests Acaaju and I have in common are the Halloween dailies to stop the fires and smash the pumpkin. The "Shade of the Headless Horseman" dies after the fires are put out, and there are actually two different "Stop the Fires!" quests - one is actually called "Let the Fires Come!", which is available if the HH hasn't been summoned, and accepting it summons him. I wonder if doing the summoning version of the quest tags the Shade of HH as your kill, no matter who kills it. I can test this with a bank alt. But that wouldn't explain Acaaju's honor kill, and if the Shade isn't humanoid, my humanoid kill stat, or why it affect our stats differently.

UPDATE: "Let the Fires Come!" does not appear to tag the Shade of HH as yours; I started the event, but my bank alt still has 0 kills.

UPDATE 2: The only other possibility I can think of is that the horseman's Conflagrate attack can give players an aura that can kill other players, giving the first player a kill credit (and depending on level difference, a bogus honor kill).

UPDATE 3: Since Conflagrate can proc player abilities, it is almost certainly the cause. Luckily, the Horseman gives a warning just before this attack, so it's possible to run far enough away to avoid it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mainchenn hits level 40

Here are the quests Mainchenn did to get from level 35 to 40:

Candy Bucket (Darkshire) (1650 XP)
Candy Bucket (Booty Bay)
A Sign of Hope p1
Coolant Heads Prevail
Liquid Stone
A Sign of Hope p2
The Lost Dwarves
Candy Bucket (Darnassus)
Candy Bucket (Dolanaar)
Alliance Trauma
Candy Bucket (Theramore)
I Got Nothin' Left
The Zeppelin Crash
Secure the Cargo!
Delivery for Drazzit
Candy Bucket (Mudsprocket)
I Know a Guy...
Candy Bucket (Gadgetzan)
Clamette Surprise
(explored last bit of Stranglethorn Vale)
Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme (36)
Candy Bucket (Auberdine) (1750 XP)
Candy Bucket (Exodar)
Candy Bucket (Azure Watch)
Candy Bucket (Blood Watch)
Candy Bucket (Everlook)
Candy Bucket (Astranaar)
Candy Bucket (Stonetalon Peak)
Candy Bucket (Nijel's Point)
Candy Bucket (Feathermoon Stronghold)
Candy Bucket (Cenarion Hold)
Candy Bucket (Ratchet)
Land Ho!
Sunken Treasure p1
Deep Sea Salvage
Sunken Treasure p2-p4
Cortello's Riddle p1
Sunken Treasure p5
Cortello's Riddle p2 & p3 (37)
Feast at the Blue Recluse
Mazen's Behest
The Bloodsail Buccaneers p1-p3
Catch a Dragon by the Tail
Tabetha's Farm
Candy Bucket (Shattrath/Aldor) (1850 XP)
Candy Bucket (Allerian Stronghold)
Candy Bucket (Wildhammer Stronghold)
Candy Bucket (Honor Hold)
Candy Bucket (Temple of Telhamat)
Candy Bucket (Telredor) (500 quests complete)
Candy Bucket (Orebor Harborage)
Candy Bucket (Sylvanaar)
Candy Bucket (Toshley's Station)
Candy Bucket (Evergrove)
Candy Bucket (Area 52)
Candy Bucket (The Stormspire)
Candy Bucket (Cenarion Refuge)
Candy Bucket (Shadowmoon Valley/Scryer)
Get Me Out Of Here!
Flexing for Nougat
Dancing for Marzipan
Incoming Gumdrop
Hallow's End Treats for Jesper!
Swords Deck #135-#140
Stop the Fires! (3700 XP)
Smash the Pumpkin (38)
Pool of Tears
In Search of the Temple
To The Hinterlands
Gryphon Master Talonaxe
Rhapsody Shindigger
Help for Mudsprocket
Gadgetzan Water Survey
Freedom for All Creatures
The Hidden Chamber
Stop the Fires! (3900 XP)
Smash the Pumpkin
(300 herbalism)
Candy Bucket (Valiance Keep) (1950 XP)
Candy Bucket (Unu'pe)
Candy Bucket (Moa'ki Harbor)
Candy Bucket (Kamagua)
Candy Bucket (Valgarde)
Stop the Fires!
Smash the Pumpkin (39)
Candy Bucket (Fizzcrank Airstrip) (2050 XP)
Candy Bucket (Nesingwary Base Camp)
Candy Bucket (Stars' Rest)
Candy Bucket (Westguard Keep)
Candy Bucket (Fort Wildervar)
Candy Bucket (Westfall Brigade Encampment)
Candy Bucket (Wyrmrest Temple)
Candy Bucket (Wintergarde Keep)
Candy Bucket (Amberpine Lodge)
Candy Bucket (Argent Stand)
Candy Bucket (Zim'Torga)
Candy Bucket (Boundercrag's Refuge)
Candy Bucket (K3)
(dropped herbalism, took up #leatherworking, got to 200)
#Wild Leather Armor
#Wild Leather Shoulders
#Wild Leather Helmet
#Wild Leather Vest
#Wild Leather Boots
#Wild Leather Leggings (40)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Stats screwed up

Combat stats appear to be messed up again; both Acaaju and I have large hits listed instead of "--"

UPDATE: Putting out fires for the Headless Horseman daily counts as "damage", so the only remaining statistic that shows a pacifist are the small number of kills (thanks to Roguedubb for the tip)...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mainchenn hits level 35

Here are the quests Mainchenn did to get from level 30 to 35:

Mages Deck #1-30
Bad Medicine
James Hyal p1
Malin's Request
James Hyal p2
This Old Lighthouse
Ironband Wants You!
Find Agmond
Reclaimers' Business in Desolace
Vahlarriel's Search p1 (31)
Vahlarriel's Search p2 & p3
The Karnitol Shipwreck p1
Bodyguard for Hire
Kodo Roundup
The Karnitol Shipwreck p2
Pearl Diving
The Green Hills of Stranglethorn (all)
Arena Master
Supplies to Private Thorsen
Jungle Secrets
Bookie Herod
Inspecting the Ruins
Suspicious Hoofprints
Lieutenant Paval Reethe p1
The Black Shield p1
Lieutenant Paval Reethe p2 (32)
Daelin's Men
The Black Shield p2 & p3
Encrypted Letter
Hints of a New Plague?
Letter to Stormpike
Further Mysteries
Traitors Among Us
Propaganda War
Discrediting the Deserters
Wharfmaster Dizzywig
Parts for Kravel
Delivery to the Gnomes
The Rumormonger
The Haunted Isle
The Stone of the Tides
Krazek's Cookery
Favor for Krazek
Return to Corporal Kaleb
The Hidden Key
The Spy Revealed!
Patrol Schedules
Report to Doren (33)
Help Watcher Biggs
The Lost Supplies
Draenethyst Crystals
Morgan Stern
The Orc Report
Stinky's Escape
Captain Vimes
Barbecued Buzzard Wings
Solution to Doom
To Ironforge for Yagyin's Digest
Reclaimed Treasures
Stormwind Library (0 XP)
Mythology of the Titans
(explored most of Stranglethorn Vale)
(explored Desolace)
Mages Deck #31-33 (34)
Brother Anton
The Ensorcelled Parchment
Stormpike's Deciphering
Gizelton Caravan
(explored Swamp of Sorrows)
Costumed Orphan Matron
Fire Brigade Practice
Smash the Pumpkin (3100 XP)
Candy Bucket (Goldshire) (1550 XP)
Candy Bucket (Dalaran x 3)
Candy Bucket (Ironforge)
Stop the Fires!
Candy Bucket (Kharanos)
Candy Bucket (Thelsamar)
Candy Bucket (Menethil Harbor)
The Power of Pine
Candy Bucket (Southshore)
Candy Bucket (Light's Hope Chapel)
Candy Bucket (Aerie Peak)
Crashing the Wickerman Festival
Candy Bucket (Stormwind)
Stop the Fires!
Smash the Pumpkin
Candy Bucket (Sentinel Hill)
Candy Bucket (Lakeshire) (35)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mainchenn hits level 30

Here are the quests Mainchenn did from level 25 to 30:

Uncovering the Past
Fall of Dun Modr
Sully Balloo's Letter
Sara Balloo's Plea
A King's Tribute #1
Missing Crystals
A King's Tribute #2
A King's Tribute #3
The Howling Vale
Velinde Starsong
Velinde's Effects
The Barrens Port
Passage to Booty Bay
The Caravan Road
The Carevin Family
The Scythe of Elune
Answered Questions (26)
A Donation of Silk (Night Elf, Draenei, Human, Gnome, Dwarf)
A Noble Brew #1 (won't do part 2 because I might get a kill credit)
The Sparklematic 5200!
Bark for the Barleybrews! (0 XP)
This One Time, When I Was Drunk... (0 XP)
(Brewfest keg running) (0 XP)
Castpipe's Task
Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger!
Foreboding Plans
(explored Hillsbrad Foothills)
(explored Thousand Needles)
(explored Wetlands)
(explored some of Arathi Highlands)
Swords Deck #34-#37 (27)
A Fine Mess
The Weathered Grave
Morgan Ladimore
(explored Ashenvale)
Reclaiming Felfire Hill
Swords Deck #38-#43
Missing in Action
Swords Deck #44-#52
(Brewfest keg running) (0 XP)
Bark for the Barleybrews! (0 XP)
Swords Deck #53-#54
This One Time, When I Was Drunk... (0 XP)
Bark for the Barleybrews! (0 XP)
This One Time, When I Was Drunk... (0 XP)
Swords Deck #55-#61
(Brewfest keg running) (0 XP)
(Brewfest keg running) (0 XP)
Bark for the Barleybrews! (0 XP)
This One Time, When I Was Drunk... (0 XP)
Swords Deck #62-#72
Gerenzo's Orders p1 & p2
Swords Deck #73
(explored more of Arathi Highlands) (28)
The Missing Diplomat p1-p7
The Thandel Span p1-p3
Plea to the Alliance
MacKreel's Moonshine
Soothing Turtle Bisque
Welcome to the Jungle
Investigate the Camp
Rocket Car Parts
This One Time, When I Was Drunk... (0 XP)
Bark for the Barleybrews! (0 XP)
(Brewfest keg running) (0 XP)
Hemet Nessingwary Jr.
The Brassbolts Brothers
Swords Deck #74-#88 (29)
(Brewfest keg running) (0 XP)
This One Time, When I Was Drunk... (0 XP)
Bark for the Barleybrews! (0 XP)
Swords Deck #89-#91
(Brewfest keg running) (0 XP)
Bark for the Barleybrews! (0 XP)
This One Time, When I Was Drunk... (0 XP)
Swords Deck #92-#107
Captain Sanders' Treasure Map (Acaaju got two, I didn't ask how...)
Swords Deck #108-#121
Bone Collector (only 2000 XP though - wowhead says 3100 and lvl 33 min..?)
Swords Deck #122-#132
(explored Arathi Highlands)
(explored Alertac Mountains)
Explored most of Dustwallow Marsh
Swords Deck #133-#134 (30)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Acaaju the Pacifist doing quest: One Shot. One Kill.

Acaaju has her own YouTube page of videos, and she managed to do One Shot. One Kill without getting any gnomes furbolgs killed by tanking them all!

"Ze goggles! Zhey do nozhing!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mainchenn doing quest: Gerenzo's Orders

This quest was very difficult; I tried half a dozen times before I succeeded, and another annoying factor is that the adds never despawn, so I can't try again until either a server reset or someone comes along and clears out the adds (there appears to be a Tauren skeleton nearby, indicating some unfortunate player got more than he expected). I could only do this due to the mobs' inability to figure out how to get to me, so I could grab aggro by healing, but they couldn't beat on me. I would periodically lose aggro between waves which gave me a short time to drink, but with so many mobs on Piznik, I had to go back to healing him right away. I used two mana potions, my herbalism heal, my healing belt from the aquatic form quest, and my Veildust Medicine Bag from a druid quest.